Radhey Radhey

    Radhay , Radhay karte chale aenge bihari,
    Radha meri gori hai saawre bihari .....
    Radhay , Radhay karte chale aenge bihari

    Sri Radhika (Radha, Radharani)
    Among all the beautiful gopis Srimati Radharani is the best. Radharani is the queen of Vrndavana. She has many famous friends, headed by Lalita and Visakha.
    Sri Krsna, the cowherd prince whose charming sweetness has no equal or superior, is very dear to Srimati Radharani. She considers Him millions and millions of times more dear than Her own life's breath.
    Yasoda-devi, the queen of the cowherds, is more affectionate to Radharani than millions of mothers can be. Radharani's father is King Vrsabhanu, who is as splendid as the sun.
    Srimati Radharani's mother is Kirtida-devi, who is also known in this world as Ratnagarbha-devi. Radharani's paternal grandfather is Mahibhanu and Her maternal grandfather is Indu.
    Her maternal grandmother is Mukhara-devi and Her paternal grandmother is Sukhada-devi. Her father's brothers (Her uncles) are Ratnabhanu, Subhanu and Bhanu.
    Bhadrakirti, Mahakirti and Kirticandra are Radharani's materal uncles. Menaka-devi, Sasthi-devi, Gauri-devi, Dhatri-devi and Dhataki-devi are Radharani's materal aunts.
    Radharani's mother's sister is Kirtimati-devi, whose husband is Kasa. Radharani's father's sister is Bhanumudra-devi, whose husband is Kusa.
    Radharani's elder brother is Sridama and Her younger sister is Ananga-manjari. Radharani's father-in-law is Vrkagopa and Her brother-in-law is Durmada.
    Jatila-devi is Radharani's mother-in-law and Abhimanyu is Radharani's so-called husband. Kutila-devi, who is always eager to find fault, is Radharani's sister-in-law.
    Lalita, Visakha, Sucitra, Campakalata, Ranga-devi, Sudevi, Tungavidya and Indulekha are the eight dearest friends of Srimati Radharani. These gopis are considered the leaders of all the others.
    Kurangaksi, Mandali, Mankiundala, Matali, Candralalita, Madhavi, Madanalasa, Manjumedha, Sasikala, Sumadhya, Madhureksana, Kamala, Kamalatika, Gunacuda, Varangada, Madhuri, Candrika, Prema-manjari, Tanumadhyama, Kandarpa-sundari and Manjukesi are among the millions of dear friends (priya-sakhi) of Srimati Radharani.
    Lasika, Kelikandali, Kadambari, Sasimukhi, Candrarekha, Priyamvada, Madonmada, Madhumati, Vasanti, Kalabhasini, Ratnavali, Manimati and Karpuralatika are among those friends (jivita-sakhi) for whom Srimati Radharani is as dear as life.
    Kasturi, Manojna, Manimanjari, Sindura, Candanavati, Kaumudi and Madira are among Sriamti Radharani's eternal friends (nitya-sakhi).
    Ananga-manjari, Rupa-manjari, Rati-manjari, Lavanga-manjari, Raga-manjari, Rasa-manjari, Vilasa-manjari, Prema-manjari, Mani-manjari, Suvarna-manjari, Kama-manjari, Ratna-manjari, Kasturi-manjari, Gandha-manjari, Netra-manjari, Sripadma-manjari, Lila-manjari and Hema-manjari are among Srimati Radharani's manjari friends. Prema-manjari and Rati-manjari are both also known by the name Bhanumati-devi.
    Srimati Radharani's worshipable deity is the sun-god, who enlivens the lotus flowers and acts as an eye for the entire world. Srimati Radharani's maha-mantra is the name of Lord Krsna. Srimati Radharani's benefactor, who brings Her all good fortune, is Bhagavati Paurnamasi.
    In Radharani's garden is a vine of golden jasmine flowers that She has named Tadidvalli ("the vine of lightning"). Her private lake bears Her own name (Radha-kunda) and on the shore of that lake is a kadamba tree that is the site of very confidential talks between Her and Lord Krsna.
    Her favorite ragas are mallara and dhanasri and Her favorite dances are chalikya and rudravallaki.
    Srimati Radharani's glorious birth occured on the eighth day of the bright moon in the month of Bhadra. Although generally not full on that day, the moon appeared full to celebrate Radharani's appearance in this world. (SSRKGD)
    Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is therefore said, sri-krsna-caitanya, radha-krsna nahe anya: "Two personalities--Srimati Radharani and Sri Krsna--are combined in the incarnation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu." (CC Madhya 5.142-143p)
    In Brhad-gautamiyatantra it is said: Sri Radha is known as Devi, Krsnamayi, Supreme Goddess in whom all Laksmis reside; Her beauty and charm defeat that of all others.
    In a supplement to the Rg-veda it is said: Among all people, Radhika and Madhava together are the most beautiful. In the Matsya-purana: In Varanasi, She is known as Sri Visalaksi, and in Purusottama-ksetra, She is called Sri Vimala. In Dvaraka, She is Sri Rukmini, and as the queen of the Vrndavana forest, She is called Sri Radha.
    In the Ujjvala-nilamani, a statement taken from the Padma-purana says: Just as Sri Radha is the most beloved of Sri Krsna, similarly Sri Radha-kunda is also very dear. Among all the gopis, Sri Radha is the dearest lover of Sri Krsna.
    In the Radha-prakarana of Ujjvala-nilamani it is said: Sri Radhika’s body is composed of maha-bhava. The greatest of all saktis is the hladini-sakti. Therefore it is called maha-sakti. Of that, the essence is madana, which is the zenith of maha-bhava. Sri Radha is the embodiment of that highest maha-bhava. This conclusion is well established.
    In the Gopalottara-tapani, She is glorified as Gandharva. This daughter of Vrsabhanu has a very beautiful form and wears 16 items of beautification (srngara) and 12 types of ornaments (abharana).
    Sri Radha’s age is in the middle of the kaisora period. Just as previously, Krsna’s age was increased by half again, so Radha’s age is increased to 14 years, 2 months and 15 days. She has a strong feeling that Krsna belongs to Her (madiyata-bhava), as well as madhu-sneha (a very sweet affectionate mood). Her love for Krsna is pure, powerful and lasting, and She has various kunjas for Her pastimes with Him. Her home is in Yavatagrama, Her mother’s name is Kirtida, and Her father’s Vrsabhanu. Her husband’s name is Abhimanyu, Durmukha is Her brother-in-law, Jatila is Her mother-inlaw, and Kutila is Her sister-in-law. Just as Sri Krsna always exists as the nayaka (heroic lover), Sri Radhika is forever the principal nayika (heroine).
    Sri Radha’s sakhis are of five types: sakhi, nitya-sakhi, prana-sakhi, priya-sakhi, and parama-prestha-sakhi. Kusumika, Vindhya, Dhanistha and others are known as sakhis. Kasturika, Mani Manjari, etc., are known as nitya-sakhis. Sasimukhi, Vasanti, Lasika, etc., are known as prana-sakhis. These gopis usually have forms (or natures) similar to Sri Radha. Kurangaksi, Sumadhya, Madanalasa, Kamala, Madhuri, Manjukesi, Kandarpasundari, Madhavi, Malati, Kamalata and Sasikala, etc., are priya-sakhis. Lalita, Visakha, Citra, Campakalata, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Rangadevi and Sudevi are the parama-prestha-sakhis. These eight gopis are chief amongst them all. They are worthy of being yuthesvaris (group leaders) themselves, but because they love Radha so much, they would rather be Her sakhis. (SGGSP)
