qualification for going to the spiritual world

    Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, what is the qualification for going to thespiritual world?Srila Prabhupada: The first qualification is to always remember that thismaterial world is a place of misery (duhkhalayam). Then you can go to thespiritual world. As long as you think, "Oh, this material world is verynice," you have to remain here.Quoted in Btg #17-06, 1982 ================================================================A devotee is naturally so humble and meek that he accepts any condition of life as a blessing from the Lord …. A devotee always accepts punishment from anyone as the mercy of the Lord. If one lives in this conception of life, he sees whatever reverses occur to be due to his past misdeeds, and therefore, he never accuses anyone. On the contrary, he becomes increasingly attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of his being purified by his suffering. Suffering, therefore, is also a process of purification. Srimad Bhagavatham, 6.17.17